1: Install MegaRaid CLI

Add the HWraid Repository which houses, among other things a continuously updated megacli package.

edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the entry

deb http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian buster main

Save the file and run the below command to trust or sign the above site

wget -O -https://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian/hwraid.le-vert.net.gpg.key | apt-key add -

Install megacli using the following command

apt install megacli

2: Download the Megaraid Storage Manager

Download the utility using the below command.

wget https://download.lenovo.com/servers/mig/2018/03/09/18324/lsi-lnvgy_utl_msm_17.05.01.03_linux_x86-64.tgz

Unpack using the tar command.

tar -xf lsi-lnvgy_utl_msm_17.05.01.03_linux_x86-64.tgz

To convert the RPM to DEB we need to install Alien. Use the following command to install it and then run the command below that to convert any .rpm files in the directory to .deb

apt install alien
alien --scripts *.rpm

3: Install the below two deb’s by running these commands
(You can press tab to autocomplete the file names)

dpkg --install lib-utilsXXXXXX_all.deb
dpkg -i megaraid-storage-manager_XXXXX_all.deb

If no errors were reported you can then start the service. To start it on boot please execute the second command.

/etc/init.d/vivaldiframeworkd start
update-rc.d vivaldiframeworkd defaults

4: Now connect by using the MegaRAID Storage Manager on Windows